Somewhere between the world of professionally "produced" TV shows and personal video blogs lies the world of what can be best described as "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet."
This summer the team at pulver.com set out on a mission to explore and discover the state of "TV and the Net" and when looking at this space, we arbitrary divided the world into five parts:
- "TV on the Net" - these are websites for TV shows that are, or have been, on TV/Cable and are now available for viewing on the Net;
- "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet" - these are new programs produced for the purpose of viewing on the broadband internet.
- "User Created Content sites" - these are the sites like Veoh and YouTube which offer community members the ability to upload video content to share with others;
- "Sites to View TV" - these are sites like ChannelKing and ChannelChooser where someone can watch commercial TV stations over the internet.
- "Misc" - for websites that didn't fit in any of the other boxes above.
While I'm certain that in the near future there will be thousands of sites that will meet the criteria for "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet", the list of 80+106 shows below is a sampling of some of the better sites that we discovered this summer. Quite a number of websites we discovered did not make the list because we felt the underlying content was not updated often enough. For the record, the sites listed below were all more or less current as of: August 28, 2006. I've noticed that these sites disappear as often as the just appear so some of the links below maybe gone by the time you have a chance to explore them.
At the moment, some of the "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet" sites are being done as a hobby for some and others are being run as a business. There is no doubt in my mind that the quality of the user experience is just going to improve with them and the success of some of these sites will just encourage others to join the fray of "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet." It is just a matter of time before more of these shows find their way from being "Internet Only" to becoming available for viewing on TiVo, Broadcast TV or Cable.
Watching this content I get the feeling that the motivation for some of these people is to get discovered and put on commercial TV and others are by people who use the internet as the medium for their message.
While the most popular platforms continue to be both Windows Media and Quicktime, Brightcove's market share in this category continues to be on the rise.
The list below is not meant to be the exclusive list of "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet." Rather, I look at this list as the seed of something much, much bigger. So please drop me a line and let me know about the "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet" that you watch, that you are aware of or that you are involved with.
By the way, I'm still looking for the 2006 versions of "Tool Time and "Wayne?s World."
Jeff's Guide to "TV Shows Only Available on the Internet"
- 10 - "With 10 we have a dream: create a place for people with both a passion for technology and also a desire to change the world"
- 320x240 w/ Smithie Boho - "320x240 is the vodcast that scrubs the world of videoblogs so you don't have to. Join host Smithie Boho as he brings you the best in Vlog entertainment."
- 64mm Vlog - "The First and Best Skateboarding VideoCast on the Net."
- 88SLIDE - "The Daily One Minute Trivia Challenge."
- 90 Seconds of Dave - "Watch Dave's life in 90 seconds of video per episode."
- 911 Television - "The EMS channel has a variety of shows focused on DWI awareness, and seatbelt safety. Show titles include: "Focus" and "Insight."
- Alive in Baghdad - "citizen journalists cover the war with a camcorder"
- Almost Live TV - Live local events from Colorado.
- America's Dream Date - "The contest where you are the star! upload videos and let the audience vote on them or vote on other people's video and help choose the Dream Dates."
- Ask a Ninja - "A comedy featuring a Ninja, based in California."
- Bangarang TV - Boston stars in this broadband video channel created by students at The New England Institute of Art.
- Beach Walks with Rox - "A daily show walking the beaches of Hawaii, with Aloha."
- BetterBadNews - "Better Bad News is a video blog using voice, character and audio visual support to extend and recontextualize the conversation."
- Cerealized - "The Dead End Days" is about an offbeat trio of roommates. Episodes take place every Monday morning.
- Channel Frederator - "We're packaging together some of the world's coolest and funniest cartoons."
- Channel 102 - Once a month a live audience rates 5 minute shows in NYC and the top shows become the "primetime lineup." This allows you to view all of the shows and rate them for yourself. Can also make your own to view/send.
- Chasing Windmills - "A daily web video series."
- Chatshow.net - "UK Entertainment News and Gossip. Can watch video interviews and celebrity gossip."
- CommandN.TV - "CommandN The Show" is a weekly web news production that covers technology trends on and offline. Each show contains segments: Headlines, Webpicks, Techtips, Hotstuff, Insight, Spotlight, and Inbox."
- Cooking up a Story - "A weekly show about food and people."
- CNET TV - "Explore Thousands of CNET Tech Videos."
- Cranky Geeks - "Cranky Geeks with John Dvorak"
- Crash Test Kitchen - "a British couple teaches the fine art of chef-ery from start to finish"
- Crooks and Liars - "Political blog. With Video."
- Cube Fabulous - "Sponsored by Honda, it is new reality web series that makes over office cubicles."
- Cyberpastour.com - "A religious daily show which aims to purpose of encourage, motivate, and uplift people over the world."
- Daily Dancer - "I am Daily Dancer, a software developer who loves to dance! About once a week, I post a new video of myself dancing to a different song."
- Dave and Tom - "Comedy Clips"
- Dier en Natuur TV - Internet only TV featuring animal based programmingv(In Dutch).
- Drinking with Bob - "Have you ever gotten tipsy and ranted for a minute about something that bothers you? This is that show."
- DL.TV - "For Tech Fans by Tech Fans"
- Drinking with Bob - "Have you ever gotten tipsy and ranted for a minute about something that bothers you? This is that show."
- Drive Time - "Show produced weekly. Ravi Jain picks up guests in his car on his daily commute who are going the same direction as him. Co-hosted with his wife Sonia, an internet reality TV show shot in the car."
- eBaum's World - "Media for the Masses"
- Ebb and Flow - "Inner peace, outer action"
- Ehrensenf Internet TV - "Ehrensenf with Katrin is a daily TV show from Germany."
- Endangered TV - "Watch clips of endangered species."
- Fabchannel.com - "Fabchannel.com brings you a wide variety of live music in sound and vision. From upcoming acts to big stars playing rock, hiphop, folk, avant-garde and everything in between. "
- Faux Press - "Vlog of a Faux Journalist"
- Fearless Cooking - "she came, she cooked, she conquered."
- FilmClix - "Provides broadband customers with the best independent film and video content through filmclix iTheatre."
- Amazon Fishbowl with Bill Maher, "A weekly show about the stars of film, music, TV, and literature. Can watch new as well as archived episodes."
- Freshtopia - "Aan Oakland, CA based show about sustainable and healthy living -less on the patchouli and tie-die side and more on the afros and barb-wire side."
- GALACTICAST - "Galacticast is a weekly "sci-fi lo-fi" videoblog parodying the worlds of geekdom"
- Geek Entertainment TV - "A website that has episodes featuring computer/internet related issues."
- Goodnight Burbank - "Created by Hayden Black. blend of real news, comedy, and political satire. Stars Hayden Black and JamieDenbo."
- Grown Man TV - "The Way TV Should Be."
- happy+middle - "We are a weekly sketch comedy show. Our aim is to mildly amuse you."
- Happy Tree Freinds - "for kids"
- Hawaii Surf Session Report - "A daily surfing/water sports show from Hawaii."
- Hockey Strike - "Hockey Strike is a show available on Odeo. Created by Paul French."
- Homestar Runner - "A cartoon show."
- How to Behave - "How to Behave is all about lifestyle."
- I Make Things - "Created by an artist. Episodes about "Do It Yourself" projects and interviews with different inventors."
- Its JerryTime! - "True Tales from the life of Jerry"
- Jet Set Show - "The Antidote to your daily life."
- Josh Leo - "a real reality show - a quirky recent college grad chronicles life in Grand Rapids and why he hates sporting events
- LabRats -"A videcast about technology you already own."
- Mania TV! - "The world's first internet based television network, broadcasts 24/7. Live and On Demand video available. ManiaTV also gives viewers a chance to produce their own channels. Completely free and requires Windows Media player 9 or higher."
- Minnesota Stories -" Show is about life in Minneapolis. New episode every weekday."
- Mobuzz TV - "Daily Buzz"
- Mommy TV - "Mommy TV is a weekly video magazine for mothers."
- MusicPlusTV.com - "Streaming Internet Music TV: Your Home for Independent Artists and the Best"
- Neo-fight.tv - "a half hour show on gadgets and all things electronic"
- Neotivi - "A French video podcast dedicated to new media."
- Nurse TV - 13 Weeks - "A travel reality show that follows the lives of 6 nurses."
- one in the Hand - "A weekly show that promotes knowledge about handheld devices."
- Our Prisoner - "First 24/7 live, interactive internet reality TV series.
- Parking Lot - "The stars of the show travel to parking lots and pop culture events of America's favorite popculture events."
- The PAN - "We are a team of eight creative professionals working collaboratively from around the world to create an independent network of challenging and original content."
- The TWiT Podcast Network - "This Week in Tech" episodes to download.
- PodShow - "Killer content delivered fresh daily."
- PopCrunch - "Check out PopCrunch for a daily celebrity video blog 5 days a week."
- Projectile Arts - "A weekly show that aims to foster dialogue and between different cultures/communities through the arts."
- Protips - "Episodes come out weekly. Each features instructional video about golf."
- Random 1 - "In 2005 A&E network funded us to document our journey for 1 year. This website will display those and other stories from our travels around america. Every Monday we will post a new story."
- RantTV - "Internet TV Worth Watching."
- Richard Show -"Episodes about a man named Richard and his wife."
- Ripe TV - "Shows featuring women, extreme sports, and animation."
- Rock Induced Labor - "A weekly update of music news"
- Rock n Roll TV - "Episodes on Rock n Roll."
- Rocketboom - "Rocketboom is a three minute daily videoblog based in New York City. We cover and create a wide range of information and commentary from top news stories to quirky internet culture."
- ShowBizNewsyNews! - "The First Ever Weekly Animated News Podcast"
- Simple Do's & Dont's - "Do's & Don'ts is your personal beacon of good manners and taste"
- SoCalRunning.com - '"Runcast" is a show that focuses on cross training the running community.'
- Star Tomorrow - "A web only reality show launched by NBC. Series is similar to American Idol but without judges."
- Star Trek: New Voyages - "Star Trek Fan Films"
- Steve Garfield - "Steve Garfield's has a show called Vlog Soup."
- The Captain Humphreys Project - "A show about sailing around the world on a 11.5 foot boat. Each episode documents different steps in his journey."
- daily video jokes - "jokes for the people by the people."
- The Little Buzzers - "cartoons for kids"
- The News - "insight on the world by Jeremiah Murphy and Central Park West Studios."
- The Ointment - "New Broadcast each Weekday"
- The Paulreyno Show - "A show that focuses on different topics daily."
- The PoMo Show - New episodes air weekly. Available on YouTube and Veoh.
- The Show with Zefrank - a comedy starring Clark.
- The Speaking Channel - "Features television programming that celebrates great spoken communication and gives viewers learning tools on how to build and improve their own speaking skills."
- Tiki Bar TV - "Forbidden Cocktails in a Swank Pad."
- TreeHugger TV - "TreeHuggerTV is a news source dedicated to eco-optimism -- highlighting everything that has a modern aesthetic yet is environmentally-responsible"
- Tuscany.PodTravels - "A web TV show that focuses on travel in Tuscany."
- TyMeLyNe.com - "An online reality TV series about hip-hop. Each episode is approximately 29 minutes."
- Vernissage TV - "Provides insight to the social side of the art world."
- Vidocity - "VIDOCITY is a new Internet-based television show that explores the best destinations in the New York area."
- WASD.TV - "An internet TV show by gamers, for gamers."
- William Hung Cooking Show - "Fun cooking show targeted a young audience."
- Wine Library TV - "Watch episodes available on the internet regarding wine."
- Yacht Video News - "A weekly show based in Florida that gives news on boats."
- Yoga Today - New yoga video daily, as well as archived yoga instructions, and interviews with the instructors.
- Zack Scott Report - Scott brings you the hard-hitting headlines from around the world. He will be joined by field correspondent Brock Wood, currently stationed in Iraq, who provides up-to-date information on the war and mid-east crisis. For reliable news coverage that you can trust, watch Zack Scott Reports.
Do you have your own Internet TV Show? Please email: jeffp@pulver.com to have your Show added to this list.
31-Aug-06: 07.38 AM - Edit: Added - Ebb and Flow, Beach Walks with Rox, Freshtopia, How to Behave, happy+middle, The Faux Press
29-Aug-06 10:44 pm Edit: Added - ShowBizNewsyNews!, Crash Test Kitchen, Drinking with Bob, Josh Leo, Neo-fight.tv, Fearless Cooking, Alive in Baghdad, Its JerryTime!, PopCrunch, The Ointment, Rock Induced Labor, fabchannel.com, Simple Do and Don'ts, Galacticast, Treehugger, 320x240.
C'est en Cor�e pourtant qu'il faut aller cherche le mod�le le plus abouti de ce que permet le journalisme citoyen. Fond� en 2000 par Oh Yeon Ho, un sp�cialiste des m�dias, le portail Ohmynews tient aujourd'hui une place non n�gligeable dans le paysage m�diatique cor�en. Bas� sur les contributions volontaires de milliers de journalistes autoproclam�s, le journal construit sa une sur la base de la s�lection des meilleurs articles propos�s. Le succ�s du journal est consid�rable [2]. Ainsi est-il r�put� avoir jou� un r�le non n�gligeable au cours des �lections de 2002 qui ont vu l'arriv�e au pouvoir de Roh Moo Hyun. Plus r�cemment, Ohmynews, qui poss�de d�j� une �dition internationale en Anglais a pris pied au Japon. En juillet dernier, il a organis� une conf�rence internationale sur le journalisme citoyen rassemblant des intervenants venus de plus de vingt pays. Des figures comme Craig Newmark, de Craigslist, Dan Gillmor, J.D. Lasica pour Ourmedia.org, Tim Lord de Slashdot.org ou Ethan Zuckerman de Globalvoices y ont �t� entendus.
Il est difficile de douter que les portails de journalisme citoyen comme celui-ci viennent prendre place aux c�t�s de plus classiques agr�gateurs de news pour concurrencer encore un peu plus le journalisme professionnel. Certains de ses repr�sentants r�pondent d'ailleurs en interrogeant la qualit� de l'information produite par ce journalisme sans journalistes.